- (480) 845-9162
- [email protected]
- 7330 E Earll Dr Ste E Scottsdale, AZ 85251
Parker's Projects
Parker's Projects
Our testimonials
Childhood Cancer never takes a backseat, leaves you vulnerable, upset, worried, scared. When I feel I can’t deal with any more bad news, there are people in the world that renew your faith in humanity. That is what I thought of when I took time to think about your foundation and what it means to my family and I. My job is to worry about my daughter, I do as much footwork as I can to keep her daily health in check. Your foundation has taken some of the financial burden off my mind and allows me to focus on her. Not stressing about going to the store, not being able to afford certain items, especially co-pays, food, medical assistance. In the upcoming month we have several different, CAT scans, MRIs, labs, EKG, EEG, multiple tests, new doctors on the docket… then you called me and asked me what I need help with! You have yet to meet my family in person and are literally making sure we are OK (like family). This blows my mind and makes me feel loved. It’s amazing how complete strangers can offer love and genuine kindness, for so many families so many miles away. You are a true bunch of selfless individuals, spreading sunshine to the world.
Después del diagnóstico de Leucemia de nuestro hijo Pablo se empezó a complicar de manera extrema la situación emocional y económica de nuestra familia somos cuatro y tratamos de estar siempre unidos viviendo bajo la Ley de nuestro creador, quien nos acerca a personas de corazón bondadoso, estamos muy agradecidos con Parker Projet por todo su apoyo por cada momento de su valioso tiempo que han dedicado a apoyarnos de manera económica, sabemos que son un equipo magnífico con muchas personas buscándolos y aun así no nos han dejado estar solos. En nuestra familia les agradecemos enormemente todo su apoyo y, todo el esfuerzo que cada uno de ustedes a hecho para lograr ayudar a nuestra familia en estos tiempos difíciles, Gracias una ves más por pensar en la necesidad del prójimo gracias a Dios que existe su proyecto de Parker. Deseamos que sean siempre un equipo unido nunca olvidaremos a las personas que nos han acompañado en este trayecto difícil.
Copyright © 2023 Parker Project Inc. All Rights Reserved. Parker Project Inc is a 501 (c)(3) non-profit recognized by the IRS.
Federal Identification Number (EIN): 85-3871929
Photos associated with client stories feature the actual person referenced. Other images are for illustrative purposes only.